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Chlorinator Rectifier

Shital Enterprise , a company that places a premium on quality, is recognised as one of the top manufacturers, suppliers, designers, and providers of chlorinator rectifiers in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane, India. Rectifier Chlorinator Our company is a reputable business offering Chlorinator Rectifiers of the highest calibre. Because of their high quality and durability, these Chlorinator Rectifier are in high demand in the market. These Chlorinator Rectifier products can be found in the market for affordable prices.Adding chlorine to water as a form of water purification is done using a device called a chlorinator rectifier. In this manner, the water is safe for ingestion. Waterborne illness can be effectively stopped by chlorine.

These Chlorinator Rectifiers are produced using top-notch technology and contemporary equipment. Other applications for the chlorinator rectifier include the treatment of effluent and sewage, salt chlorinators for swimming pools, chlorinators for fountains and water parks, etc. Additionally, chlorine rectifier systems are employed to disinfect sewage treatment process and swimming pool water. Many swimming pools, wells, springs, and other water sources employ the chlorinator rectifier process to lessen the bacterial and algal buildup in the water. The Chlorinator Rectifier works by adding a lot of sodium hypochlorite to the water, which can be in the form of a powder or a liquid like chlorine bleach. Swimming and drinking should be avoided until the sodium hypochlorite concentration in the water drops to three ppm or less.

Chlorinator Rectifier